The Lifetime Readjustable System
A solution for all kind of patients with less adverse effects
The Male Remeex Adjustable Sling allows the surgeon to adjust the urethral support and continence level at any time during patient’s lifetime. The placement is simple and the tension adjustment is done the next day at the office with the patient standing up and collaborating with the surgeon to reach the ideal continence level avoiding retention.
Know more about this solution:
Dr Ajay Singla, Dr. Ervin Kocjancic and Dr Laurent Wagner shared their experience about this device at an ICS symposium.
Dr. Christopher Hollowell explaining why Male Remeex Sling is so useful for him here.
When and how do we adjust the urethral support? The remeex system adjustment is done 24 to 48h after the surgery and we don’t guess the tension, we just ask the patient to stand up and cough to collaborate with the surgeon to reach the ideal continence level. Every time the patient leaks we turn the “stick” clockwise to increase the tension. The proces can be repeated until patient is continent.
What if your patient come back after some months or even years? With the Remeex system you can regain continence by retensioning the sling. The surgical procedure is minimaly invasive under local anesthesia, with the patient standing up reproducing real live situation.
The Remeex system allows also to decrease the tension if needed.
With Remeex Male you are going to avoid over tensioning thanks to the:
The key of success -> Dynamic pressure transmission system (DPTS)
DPTS working principle: The system adjustment device (varitensor) is over the rectus abdominalis fascia. When coughing, laughing, or doing any increase of the abdominal cavity preasure, the patient advances the rectus abdominal muscle, advancing the Varitensor, and increasing the urethral support while it’s needed. At rest, this system is like a tension free sling.
This reconstructs the intra-abdominal pressure transmission system of normal continent patients. The readjustment is made while the patient is standing up reproducing real live situation.