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Remeex Female

Are you dealing with sling revisions? How are you managing them? What about ISD patients?

Do you see obese patients where the chances of sling failure are higher?

We have a dedicated product for these situations!

Placed as simply as a retropubic sling, with a varitensor over the rectus fascia to adjust the tension of the sling not only at surgery, but months and even years after the intervention.

When and how do we adjust the tension? The adjustment is done 24 to 48h after implantation and we don’t guess the tension, we just ask the patient to stand up and cough to collaborate with the surgeon to reach the perfect tensioning. Every time the patient leaks we turn the “stick” clockwise to increase the tension. The process has to be repeated until patient is continent.

No worries, with Remeex Female you can regain continence by retensioning the sling (experience 16 years after initial implantation) The surgical procedure is minimal and is done under local anesthesia, and the tension adjustment is done like the 24-48h post-op adjustment. 

And now, I’m sure you are thinking, what if my patient goes into retention? with Remeex you can adjust the sling to increase the tension but also to decrease and release the excess of tension. 

With Remeex Female you are going to avoid over tensioning thanks to the: 

Michael Kennelly, MD: “After being 20 years in the same spot doing the same type of techniques, you realize that there is a need of something different to manage ISD and recurrent SUI, this is Remeex for me.”

Ervin Kocjancic, MD: “I use Remeex in complicate ISD and recurrent SUI patients and I have similar complications rate compared to TVT’s or Pubovaginal sling but with less voiding dysfunction problems.

Ben Brucker, MD:The ability of tighten or loosening tension it is really game changer for the management of patients with ISD and recurrent SUI, showing on the literature high success rate and very few side effects or complications.”

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