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SSLF fixation 10 years since the first case in the US

The Anchorsure system is a straight and thin device for a safe anchor placement at the sacrospinous ligament.

· FDA approved in 2012

· +150.000 implants worldwide

· +10 years since the first implantantion in the US

· 0 maude reports (august 2023)

· +30 publications including RCT’s proving safety and efficacy.

What do physicians love about Anchorsure?

Easy of use! It is quick, easy and reliable deploying the anchor into the ligament. Common feedback: Much easier than suturing devices.
Low profile, a true 5mm requires less dissection and makes the access easier when doing anterior approach.

Anchorsure Symposiums presentations

Holly E. Richter, PhD, MD: “I decided to switch to Anchorsure after reviewing its safety and efficacy data and discussing with some colleagues that they were very happy with it.
My experience with Anchorsure, after some time using it, is very positive.”

Catherine Ann Matthews, MD: “It’s certainly easy to train people because they have consistent anchor deployment at the tip of the finger and can they reliably palpate exactly where they are

Stephanie Molden, MD: “ The Anchorsure anchor with its pyramidal shape is really what it is going to provide a strong pull out force no matter how the fibers of the ligament are orientated”

Which are the advantages for the patients?

Instead of going around the ligament like the suturing devices, Anchorsure goes through the ligament with a very tiny Anchor. This small difference makes a big change in post-op buttock pain. It makes sense to think that avoiding going around the ligament will reduce the ligament entrapment and the consequent pain. Doctors using Anchorsure report a substantial reduction of patients with buttock pain.

· Suture of your choice

· With one or two sutures per anchor

· Unilateral or bilateral fixation

· With or without graft

Holly Richter MD talking about Anchorsure at SGS Symposium:

Catherine Ann Matthews MD testimonial about Anchorsure (DUGK Symposium)

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